Thursday, February 14, 2013

How to create data source in WebLogic

This a tutorial about how to create a WebLogic Data Source.
1.      Log in to WebLogic Admin console.
2.      Click “Lock & Edit” in the left pane.
3.      Under “DOMAIN STRUCTURE” on the left, Drill down and click “Services -> Data Sources”

4.      On the right, click “NEW” (it has a drop-down arrow) -> “GENERIC DATA SOURCE” 
5.      There are three things to be filled out in the next screen - Name, JNDI Name, and Database Type. Fill them out as per your requirement and click NEXT.
6.      For Database Drive, choose the one as per requirement. In my case, I have chosen “Oracle’s Driver (Thin) for Instance Connection.” Click Next. 

7.      For the “Transaction Options” look at Oracle’s documentation regarding Transactions. It depends on the company’s requirements. Leave default in this case. Click NEXT. 
8.      On the screen that follows, enter the DATABASE NAME, HOST NAME, PORT, DATABASE USER NAME, and PASSWORD. Click NEXT.
9.      We will get the following “TEST DATABASE CONNECTION” screen where we can test the configuration. 

10.  Click “TEST CONFIGURATION” to test. If it passes, it will show a green check mark. 
11.  Click FINISH.  

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