Friday, February 1, 2013

Essbase application stopped by itself

It so happened one day that my colleague told me that the data forms for one of the Hyperion Planning applications do not open. “They have some kind of error message related to Substitution variable,” this is what she told me.

In order to check and see what was going on, I logged on to EAS and to my horror, I could see that the particular cube had stopped. It was supposed to start when Essbase started (for the beginners, there is an option in EAS where you can start applications automatically or manually).

Now I had to figure out how I could get the cube started. First thing I did was to try and start it manually in EAS, by “right-clicking and starting” the application, however, it would not start. I tried to see if the application had been locked, and it was not the case. Then I stopped the Essbase Server by using the MAXL command and then started it again by going to the appropriate EXE file to start the Essbase Server. Howerver, the application did not start after this step as well. I, then, stopped the EPM system and started it again. All applications started but this one. As the last resort, after after getting some suggestions from the Oracle Forums, I rebooted the Server.

When the server came up, I started the EPM and logged on to EAS and finally the application had started along with its fellow applications. What I realized after this incident was that the server might have hung during the backup process of the applications which is why the application might have crashed. So, in case the same thing happens, you can try to follow suit.

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