Friday, March 7, 2014

Hyperion Planning Audit Trail

Planning Audit Trail

By turning audit trail on in Hyperion Planning, we, as Planning Administrators, can keep changes to Planning metadata, business rules, data forms, users, workflow, access permissions, etc.
You can take the following steps to turn Planning audit trail on:
Log on to Planning Workspace and open a Planning application.
With planning application open, GOTO Administration > Application > Reports

Click the AUDITING tab.

 Select the artifacts for which you have to turn the audit trail on.
You will see the confirmation pop up regarding “AUDITING OPTION SAVED.”

Click the “X” on the pop up to close it.

At this point, you have completed turning the Audit trail on for the Planning application.
Now, each time there is any change on the artifact that you have turned the Audit trail on for, it can be traced. Planning records all such changes in the HSP_AUDIT_RECORDS table in the relational database. So after turning the audit trail on, if you want to track any changes, you can simply log in to your relational database, such as Oracle or SQL Server or whatever you have and check the HSP_AUDIT_RECORDS table.

This is a sample Oracle database, where I have a look at the HSP_AUDIT_RECORDS table.

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